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Preview image for Jenny Wren. Leia-Ann Woods, dressed in WREN uniform, bends over, skirt lifted, ready to receive the strap from Thomas Cameron

WRNS rating Woods nervously awaits the Super-intendent. She doesn't yet know what punishment she faces, but she intends to take it as a Wren should: with courage, honour and dignity.

WRNS rating Woods nervously awaits the Superintendent in a private room of the HQ. She's heard rumours about some of the more severe disciplinary methods still employed in the Service, but so far hasn't experienced any punishment worse than extra physical training or tedious chores.

Sadly a moment of carelessness during a training exercise has sabotaged her good track record, and after accidentally discharging a clip of live ammunition she knows that her Commanding Officer isn't going to let her off lightly. Still, she has her whole career ahead of her, and she's determined never to be so careless again. Whatever punishment she faces now, she intends to take it as a Wren should: with courage, honour and dignity.

Photography: Pandora Blake


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Leia-Ann Woods

Settle down for a glass of wine with Pandora Blake and Leia Ann Woods as they discuss what it was like to film The Wrong Room together: how they came up with the idea, what the experience was like for them both and how they felt afterwards. This is a heartwarming clip that really lets you into their friendship and excitement.

20 responses

  1. A very good set of images. Perhaps a video on a similar theme would be worth considering. I for one would love it.

  2. Thank you! I’d actually love to do a video with Leia-Ann in this uniform when we next shoot together 🙂

    I always like to do an introductory photoset for new cast members to the site, and since everyone almost certainly already knows who Leia is, I thought we’d make it a spanking photoset. She brought this uniform with her and since neither Tom nor I have a WWII naval uniform, I didn’t think it was worth attempting a video as I couldn’t come up with a plot that would have a Wren disciplined by a plain clothes officer. Instead we decided to keep it simple.

    I did a bit of research into the WRNS this week while getting ready to upload the images, and found some lovely resources which have given me lots of ideas for future videos. Now we just need to get another uniform!

  3. Very smart and sexy outfit Leia is wearing and superb hosiery. I’ve got to second the call for a film too at some stage with Leia, but nice little introductory photoset all the same.

  4. I’ve enjoyed some of the Spanked In Uniform films. I like the concept at least. This one reminds me of a policewoman spanking for Pandora a couple of years ago which I thought had some very sexy stills. I love the black uniform and the black underwear and the disciplined attitude of the spankee.

  5. The seamed stockings are wonderful, aren’t they? I’d love to do a film next time. Any preferences between F/F or M/F?

  6. I know the one you mean – the one where I was refusing to inform on the rest of my unit! Yes, there is definitely something very powerful about a smart black uniform, stockinged legs and a disciplined, stoic attitude. I love military scenarios.

  7. Well I have to say my number one preference is F/F but I do very much appreciate the range of combinations DoS offers, so feel free! Tom’s stern disciplinarian in the photoset with Leia certainly comes over very well.

  8. Alright, I’ll keep an eye out for suitable uniforms and see what I can find 🙂

  9. How about a Uniform shoot/Caning competition mashup? A Wren, WRAC & a WRAF competing for the honour of their service, showing self control & discipline under pressure & in fantastic stockings & girdles? Maybe the Army bring along a birch & the Navy a Cat?

  10. OMG I love it! I don’t know how plausible it would be in a genuine military context… but how about ex-service people re-enacting their youth by donning their old uniforms and enjoying some friendly competition? Or I guess it could be a high-camp Carry On in the Service style production set after the war ends, the result of a bet perhaps. The idea of the three traditional implements is fantastic! What implement would the WRAF chip in?

    You realise if I do this I’d HAVE to do the male version too!

  11. From the WRAF, either the Cane or a paddle shaped like the blade of a propeller?

  12. Have seen the entire gallery now. That Leia-Ann gets to keep her underwear up does make it more realistic and I’m all for realism. She looks quite lovely in that uniform with the black stockings and underwear.

  13. Like the pics, the black underwear, so very sensual. Leia-Ann, does have a super it.

  14. Yes, that was a deliberate choice! Glad you appreciated it 🙂 Her legs in this are mind-bogglingly gorgeous. Well, all the time, really. 🙂

  15. She really does 🙂 Thanks Paul, glad you enjoyed these pictures.

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