Spanking audio story (17:05) written by Rosie Bower

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Stacey is in trouble – but in her opinion, the punishment far outweighs the crime. At the strict reform school she has been sent to, the tiniest misdemeanour is punished severely. For the crime of being caught with a boy in her dormitory, Stacey has been promised twelve strokes of the cane. An extraordinary assembly is called, and the whole school watches as she mounts the stage, where the vaulting horse – and the Headmistress – wait.

The unfairness of Stacey's situation is amplified by the cruelty of her school mates, who take the opportunity to jeer and mock as she awaits what is coming with dreadful anticipation. Having seen similar punishments conducted, Stacey's fear focuses on the wrist and ankle cuffs used to secure the miscreant in place, in full view of the whole school. Terrified of being tied down and helpless, Stacey tries to negotiate with the stern Headmistress, promising that if she is spared the humiliation of restraint, she will stay perfectly still throughout the duration of her punishment. But has Stacey overestimated her capacity to withstand the fierce pain of the cane?

Written by Rosie Bower and read by Pandora Blake, this audio porn story delves into the darker side of corporal punishment, and describes severe, judicial caning far harder than can be shown on video.


9 responses

  1. Hi Tommy, this is an audio update. If you click on it you will hear me reading a story by Roser Bower. We have several different types of spanking story at Dreams of Spanking – some photos only, some audio only and some video. It allows us to explore a wider range of fantasies than always having to have video. xx

  2. I think Tommy meant literally that it isn’t working. The FLAC link works, but the mp3 and the player aren’t working for me.

    (btw, I love these audio stories. You have an extremely sexy voice)

  3. Oh, my bad! The file had been uploaded, but there was a typo in the filename so the system couldn’t find it. My apologies, it’s working now!

  4. Apparently there was a typo in the filename, and then I dropped the ball – apologies! It’s working now.

  5. Listening to this, I couldn’t help imagining myself taking Stacey’s place and receiving this punishment caning. I’m certain I would need to be restrained, tied down to prevent me from moving or attempting to run away. As I’m thinking about it, the idea of being in this situation myself appeals more and more. Could I take such a severe caning whilst being thus restrained? How well would I take it? I would sincerely love to find out.

  6. That’s one we’ll have to add to our growing list of future engagements…

  7. You have a list of future engagements ??? This is the first I’ve heard of any list! Tell me more please Pandora! 😉

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