Curious Pleasures

Film (15:43) with 44 photographs

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There's more to Molly Malone than meets the eye. Under her smart coat she wears a tight black corset and fetish clothes – ready to head off to a play party. Before she goes out, though, she must explain herself to a very insistent John Beecroft, who manages the village hall where she holds her workshops, and wants to know why he found a bag of spanking implements and a book called 'Curious Pleasures'.

Embarrassed, Molly explains her penchant for erotic spanking. John declares it disgraceful, and decides to show her how discipline worked in his day. He tells her to bend over the sofa, exposing her bare bottom, and delivers some firm whacks with her own flogger and strap by way of punishment.

Giggling, Molly intimates that John may be enjoying this just as much as she does. And as he makes her read aloud about the evils of spanking, while being strapped to make her breath catch and her back arch, we can see she's probably right. Will Molly's red bottom and clear enjoyment of corporal punishment persuade John to explore his own desires? 

Photographer: Pandora Blake

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Curious Pleasures - Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes during the shooting of Curious Pleasures, including outtakes, scene negotiation, wardrobe malfunctions, and Molly calling cut to ask John to give her the strap while she reads aloud, suggesting some extra strokes of the flogger, and repeatedly calling John “Mr Beercroft”!


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Molly Malone and John Beecroft

John and Molly tell us how they met, and attempt to describe the nature of their close (if slightly unusual) friendship, including what Molly’s family think of him! Hear about John’s infamous 75th birthday party, how John discovered his passion for corporal punishment and the story of his spanking career to date. John talks about writing “Slight Damage to the Rear End” and what appeals to him about that sort of scenario. Does he prefer giving or receiving? Why is the cane his favourite implement? What did John make of his day filming for Dreams of Spanking, and what were the pair’s favourite scenes?

8 responses

  1. Yep. It’s a new thing. I’m going to blog about it. Glad you don’t hate it!

  2. Very nice couple. I’m an old timer too with a predilection for spanking young women. Molly would do me fine too 😉

  3. John’s ‘disgusted by this depravity’ role play is wonderful. In written word it could read like one of those imagined letters to the papers signed “disgusted of….wherever” — often Tunbridge Wells being used as some supposed centre of moral rectitude! (I’ll bet behind doors it’s far from it!)

    The idea of reading out loud while undergoing a spanking works well I think. Nice innovation. I especially like the way Molly gasps out of words at smack points. I notice she can’t resist a half-giggle or two in between!

  4. The delightful young Molly receives a sound whacking from John ,best spanks ,Timx

  5. Already a big fan of Molly. However the excellent role play by John and their skilled interaction here takes this scene from good to amazing.

    My favourite part has to be when John insists on Molly reading aloud from the book whilst being spanked. Such an inventive turn of events. And one I need to work into my own play sessions.

    As ever an inspiration.

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