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Miss Havering’s Personal Diary


Miss Havering aspires to be punctilious in all things: in her style of dress, in her approach to discipline, even in her record-keeping. Like many ladies of her ilk she is an avid diarist, but perhaps her usual choice of subject matter is a little…out of the ordinary.

Take, for example, her recollections of one Miss Flynn, until now the newest teacher to join the school Miss Havering so devotedly keeps in line. A little salacious, perhaps, but worth reflecting on today – because today, Mr Lennox arrives. Miss Havering, of course, intends much the same manner of induction.

In the end, however, this first meeting is a wholly different sort of experience. Mr Lennox has none of Miss Flynn’s bashfulness, none of her hesitance. Indeed, he seems almost too keen to submit to a demonstration of his new employer’s preferred disciplinary tactics – and, indeed, proves himself just as capable of dishing it out as taking it.

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