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The Introduction



The Havering Collection is a long-running spanking soap opera set in and around a beautifully vintage mid-century boarding school, focused mostly on the titillating journey of Miss Havering herself – played by our very own Pandora Blake. It’s filmed and produced by another studio, but we’ve long suspected that the Dreams of Spanking audience would enjoy it and we’re delighted to have acquired permission to republish some of it here. Blake also assisted with the initial casting, so long-standing Dreams fans might recognise a few other familiar faces!

In this first episode Headmistress Havering maintains a small group of schoolmistresses who are entitled to administer corporal punishment to the students, and she’s keen to induct new teacher Miss Flynn. She has one rule, however: before you can dish it out, you must learn how to take it. After hours in an empty classroom, Miss Flynn is thoroughly taken in hand and shown just what her new role consists of by a boss who is clearly enjoying this far too much!

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