Stockings and Suspenders

Film (11:46) with 30 screengrabs

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Sometimes all I need is a comfortable lap, a strong arm and a long, firm hand spanking.

I love turning my complex, interesting kinky fantasies into film, and ambitious storylines and high budget productions are all very well – but we all need a break from time to time. For me, that break often takes the form of a hard hand spanking over the knee. 

As John told me "This spanking is for you," I forgot he had set up a video camera on a tripod. Eyes closed, I relaxed over his lap, focussing on sensation. A firm hand and a sore bottom and thighs – for ten luxurious minutes, these were the only items in my universe.

It was me who asked him to spank my thighs – although when he immediately started peppering my thighs with hard, fast hand spanks, I had to cry mercy! Thankfully he let me catch my breath before starting to slowly warm up my thighs, until the stinging spanks on my oh-so-sensitive skin grew as pleasurable as the firm, thuddy spanks on my upturned bottom.

This amateur spanking video is a behind the scenes snippet, a candid look at an unscripted, unstaged spanking. The video wasn't intended for publication and it wasn't until John sent me the footage and suggested I might want to post it that I even remembered we'd been filming. This spanking wasn't about creating an interesting film with a complicated plotline. It was just about the spanking. And actually, it was lovely not to have to hold my head up for the face camera, not to have to cut the scene to shoot different camera angles, not to have to worry about staying in character or avoid looking directly at the lens. WIthout worrying about how it looked, I was able to fully immerse myself in the experience – and reach a very different headspace than if I'd been acting.

This doesn't have glamorous lighting or cinematic camera work, but it is the real deal. My only focus was on breathing, accepting the pain and relaxing into a long, enjoyable hand spanking on my bare bottom and thighs.

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8 responses

  1. I am delighted that Pandora is sharing this video with Dreams members. My aim was simply to help Pandora reach the zone / head space where she wanted and needed to be on the day in question. This was through delivery of a theraputic, lengthy hand spanking, during which time Pandora was able to relax completely and enjoy an experience where no words were needed.

    Non-verbal communication during CP, using reactions from the spankee to gauge the optimum strength, area and frequency of strokes needed, has always fascinated me. However I certainly don’t profess to be any kind of expert in this field and I do rely on Pandora’s feedback between scenes to help make the whole experience even better the next time. For me, this video is all about the focus on my hand, her bottom, her subtle feedback, and ultimately Pandora’s pleasure.

  2. That really does come across too. It comes across as a very intimate film. Every so often it’s so good to see a great straightforward extended over the knee hand spanking. I’m glad it’s been posted. For me, the absence of a storyline really enables a more intense focus on the spanking itself than usual.
    It’s brilliant that you asked for some attention to your thighs, Pandora. A sensitive area but when handled well I can see why you said the spanks grew to be pleasurable there too. The way John paces the whole spanking is perfect. Black stockings and suspenders, thighs and bottom spanking, lovely bottom caresses and a nice long duration with just the hand. Those are all mighty fine aspects to include in a spanking session IMO!

  3. Dear Pandora,

    Please stop posting these incredibly hot scenes one after another. I’m a 50-year old with a mild heart condition, and I’m sure this isn’t good for me … 😉

  4. Very erotic (provided you don’t mind having your thighs spanked!).

    Good to see a girl spanked for her own needs/pleasure.


  5. Absolutely amazing, so beautiful. I keep coming back to watching this again and again!

  6. Absolutely amazing, so beautiful. I keep coming back to watching this again and again!

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