Spanking in Spain

Video (21:24 minutes) with 26 photos
Preview Image for Spanking in Spain. Pandora Blake smiles at the camera

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I had an amazing time at the World Spain Party 2014. This unique party takes place every two years, and is organised by The London Tanner, who makes incredible leather spanking implements.

Find out what went down at the party in this candid video diary, in which I tell you in detail all about the various spankings, canings and other corporal punishment I enjoyed – including my first ever real taste of the bullwhip! I also have some photos and video to share from the memorable last scene of the weekend – an al fresco strapping from the London Tanner with his razor strop, on the balcony of the villa surrounded by party guests, while the sun went down over the hills. A beautiful, iconic close to a wonderful spanking party. Many thanks to the London Tanner, to Only Real Princess and Mr Stern for the photos and video, and to the rest of the organising team for putting on an amazing event. I can't wait to go back in 2016 – and perhaps I'll see you there?

Photography: Mr Stern and Only Real Princess

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17 responses

  1. Pandora you certainly had a spanking good time ,wish I could attend one ,best spanks,Timx

  2. Great memories. That’s very good summary of the WSP. One obviously can’t be everywhere so it was lovely to listen to you describe some moments that I missed at the time as well as those I witnessed “first hand” 🙂

  3. The view from the villa simply looks gorgeous – I am so there in 2016!

  4. Thanks Mark! It’s a great party. Such a lovely vibe. Thank you so much for your organisational efforts, I really appreciated the hard work you put in 🙂

  5. Isn’t it lovely? The perfect backdrop for some kinky fun 🙂 It would be great to see you there!

  6. For sure 🙂 There’s no way I’m missing out on sangria and spanking!

  7. Ooh, I’m so jealous. The whole party sounds like fun, but what interested me most was the bullwhip scene. I’m not sure if I would be brave enough to try it myself, but I loved hearing you describe it! And that strapping was great. Glad we get to see a clip of it in addition to the pictures!

  8. This feels like a lifetime ago! It’s wonderful to have this diary as a memory for me to relive it 🙂

  9. Really enjoyed listening to you talking about your experience at this event in such a natural relaxed way. And I enjoyed watching the strapping too. Lovely!

  10. It’s a treat to see you exploring the site and discovering these various films. A spanking in the sun is something I would recommend to everyone!

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