Schoolgirl Bondage Domination

Film (running time 9:08) with gallery of 12 screengrabs.

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It’s only natural for your mind to wander in the middle of a long, boring lesson, right? And that goes double if your teacher is as strict, as compelling and as fond of the cane as Blake’s Geography teacher Miss Lorraine.

Blake knows Miss Lorraine only dishes out punishments for the normal, boring reasons, of course. Keeping rebellious students in line, admonishing the day-to-day infractions of school life. It’s supposed to be unpleasant, something neither party takes any pleasure from, something to get over and done with. But what if it wasn’t?

In idle moments during endlessly long lectures, Blake likes to let her mind wander. What if Miss Lorraine were to give her all too frequent spankings right on the bare? What if Blake was forced roughly over the desk, humiliatingly exposed, tied down to keep from struggling?

What if her teacher were to realise how wet it made her?

Tell your followers about this spanking scene!

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Schoolgirl Bondage Domination - Behind the Scenes

Directing a set while also tied to a desk isn’t easy, but Pandora Blake has it down to a fine art. Backstage this week we’ve got all the wardrobe mishaps that come from not being able to use your own hands, the technical niggles that always seem to arrive at the most inopportune moments and the awkward entertainment of trying to put on a strap-on in a sexy, immersive way. (Spoiler: you basically can’t. No, seriously. Try it!)


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