Gallery of 42 photographs
Preview image for Submissive Nudes. Pandora Blake kneels on the floor, hands stretched outwards. She is naked

On the auction block, new slavegirl Pandora is put through her paces. As she assumes the submissive postures of her training, you can see the marks of her recent whipping. Do we have a bidder?

This is an extended version of a gallery first published in March 2012. When looking through my archive I discovered a lost set of photos from this shoot which I somehow missed the first time round … which are, in my opinion, even better than the ones already published. This update combines both the previously released photos and the unseen images, combined to create a new improved gallery of submissive figure nudes.

These photos were originally taken as source material for kinky artist Loge's slavegirl collages. Photography by Roy Tersley of Janus Magazine.

To find out more about the story behind this scene, click here.


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15 responses

  1. I paid a sub for this month, somewhere about 1st march. But although the system DOES recognize me, calls me Ernest, etc, it does not seem to know that I do have a live subscription. The button above, for instance, invites me to Join now with CCBill – instead of letting me see the full gallery.

    It may be my fault because I forgot my passwrod somewhere about a week into the month and had to be reminded of it – but I wouldn’t have thought that that was the problem now.

    Can you help?


  2. Ernest, according to CCBill you actually paid £10 on 1 March for a 5 day subscription, which duly expired on March 6.

    If you would like to sign up for another 5 day subscription now, I’ll happily extend your membership until the end of the month as if you’d bought a 30 day subscription on the 1st, as you intended.

    Pandora x

  3. Dohhh! I have done that. Sorry about that.

    I shall have to be more careful another month.


  4. No worries, that’s been sorted for you up to 10pm on 1 April 🙂

  5. I accept these photos are/were specificity for Loge, I like the photos taken in the old mill and the ones you titled New Figure Nudes better. While composing this over a cup of coffee I realized your figure resembles ancient Greek and Roman statures and other pre-20th century nudes. See if you, Thomas, and D agree. Compare photos of you with photos of what I referred to. You have a body of a goddess.

  6. Thanks Lou 🙂

    The “new figure nudes” post on my Spanked, not Silenced blog featured photos all taken from the mill set – same photos.

    These were taken a while ago and Loge’ requirements do mean that the contrast ends up being very high so he can easily clip the figure out of the background. I do enjoy nude modelling though, keen to do more and pleased that it’s finding an audience on a spanking site 🙂

    Oh and I have some more photos to publish from the mill set at some point – not nude though, wearing long stripy socks and stockings.

  7. Just wanted to comment that your body is looking great still got it girl !

  8. Pandora You are very hot especially in the kneeing picture.

    Also in the picture kneeing with your bottom facing this way.

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