Business or Pleasure

Film (20:47 mins) with 60 screengrabs

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After lying to Security that they are visiting the US on holiday rather than admit that they’re doing paid shoots without a work visa, models Amelia and Pandora are followed to the airport hotel by a man calling himself a plain clothes TSA agent. He tells them that having inspected their baggage he knows they’re lying, and gives them a choice between deportation, or a taste of American justice in the form of a sound strapping.

The girls don’t want to be sent home, so they reluctantly submit. But why, after the strapping, does this “agent” insist that they each go over his knee for a bare bottom spanking? And why does he seem so cheerful about the whole thing?

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Business or Pleasure - Behind the Scenes

A lot of dramatic acting went into this film, and Blake had to really flex their skills at directing while being bent over and spanked! There was a great atmosphere on set for this one – it’s no surprise Malignus loves his job so much, really. Who wouldn’t?


31 responses

  1. That was NOT a proper American punishment. Leave it to TSA to screw up. PROPER American punishments are panties down, from the start. Geez, do I have to explain everything? I think you should report to Idaho and this time it will be proper. With a little extra for Pandora for importing those plaid panties into the country.

    What I really want to know is did you cross the ocean on a twin engine airplane like is in your video? I can remember a few crossings when I was glad we had four, but that was back in the good old days……

  2. Nice to see you got the typical male costume spot-on. Faded jeans and trainers. Nice !

  3. Hahaha. Actually I’m really pleased that someone is bitching about this stuff. This was one of the scenes we shot in Texas last week and my male top was unavailable at the last minute, so Malignus was good enough to step in on zero notice. I’d have ideally liked him in a suit or a security uniform, but sometimes one has to make do. Never fear though, forthcoming shoots will have my usual attention to detail when it comes to costume! 🙂

  4. I just love attention to detail especially as an obsessive suit wearer myself but needs must especially over the pond.

    Keep up the good work some amazing shoots and outfits.

  5. I was just trying to be funny. (Crawling off looking for a rock to hide under.)

  6. Damn! Clearly I need to put him in a yellow fluorescent jacket next time.

  7. Aww, no offence taken. Hey, at least the panties were noticable 🙂

  8. Different types of suit too. Perhaps a dinner jacket for a naughty night at the opera or a pinstripe suit for a very topical bad bankers revenge scene.

  9. The latter is bottom in a suit, clearly? 😉

    Actually I was lucky enough to witness a gorgeous male bottom being strapped while wearing a three piece suit at the Texas party last weekend. Tailored waistcoat, dress shirt, suit trousers all smart in white and black, and then a red bubble butt rising out in beautiful contrast. Quite a sight!

  10. but I like to watch over internationale Spanking Page at this time. Yours is one from the page I can´t leave out. The words, the pics, the vids told from feelings! For me just one off the best pages world wide.

    greetings from germany


  11. Thankyou Rainer! Glad you like the site, it’s great to have you here. I have a couple of German performers on the site, Kaelah and Ludwig – their first scene together (a martial arts hard caning movie) will be out in a few weeks.

  12. I was thinking the much maligned banker gets his revenge but with the latest news perhaps you are right.

  13. Killer music in the intro. I like the shots of the strap hanging at his side with your bottoms in the background. This close up gives a feel for the weight of the strap. Same killer music in the outro.

  14. Thanks! I thought that close-up was a good one too – great job from our camera man Andrew. So you’re in favour of more hard rock in spanking videos? I will bear that in mind 🙂

  15. What a beautiful and classy spanking site! Pure Erotic and sweet pain. Just brilliant!

  16. I like the pants on both…Pandora and Amelia, also like the pink glow on both bottoms.

    Good scenes.

  17. Love that heavy metal, especially as the outro. Subliminally, it feels likes it’s really emphasising the impact of the film. But that probably depends on your taste in music. For others a driving full orchestra sound might do the same, I don’t know. But I think that the choice of music can have quite an effect. It’s certainly something that the mainstream film industry spends loads of time on to set mood, emphasis etc. Personally, I think it works best with spanking films in intros and outros. The occasional excerpt of music within a film can be ok but too much and it would be a distractor for me.

  18. I’m the same! I was 4 or 5 when I started fantasising about it, although I couldn’t act on my fantasies until I was much older. I really do think that it’s something we’re born with!

  19. Cool, that’s the second positive comment about the music in this scene. I take quite a lot of care over choosing the music for my films, each film has its own music (although sometimes I reuse themes if a second film stars the same characters) and I try not to reuse music too much, or be too repetitive. Like you, I don’t want music over the spanking action but I find music over the dialogue at the start can be a great way of establishing atmosphere, and I also love to use it over cornertime and other non-dialogue, non-spanking shots. Glad the heavy rock worked for you, it felt right for this modern, funny, yet quite intense scene. Thanks for the feedback, loving your comments!

  20. Wow your botties were blushing pinky at the finish of your spankings ,very good one ,best spanks from ,Timx

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