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Preview image for Bath Bubbles. Mila Kohl lays in the bath, her bottom visible through the bubbles

Paul comes in while Mila is relaxing in a bubble bath, and the naughty girl can't resist the urge to blow foam at him, earning herself an on-the-spot spanking on her wet bottom.

Photography: Pandora Blake


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Mila and Paul

Pandora talks to Mila, Paul (and Mila’s giraffe Henry) about their first shoot for Dreams of Spanking. Mila tells how she got into spanking modelling, and about her relationship with spanking in her personal life. Paul talks about what it’s like, as a site owner and director himself, to work for someone else. We loved working with Mila and Paul, and hope to get both of them back on the site before too long!

14 responses

  1. I’m obviously prejudiced, but I found this ridiculously adorable and it made my day.

  2. how callipygous she is. A bubble bottom surrounded by bubbles so very sensual. Wonderful job Ms. Blake a winner as usual.

  3. Hi Pandora, this one is in the top five.
    Have been there, though many years ago now.
    Oh memories.

  4. Hmmm – bubbles, bathwater, spanking – yep almost perfect. (You just can’t beat a shower and leather paddle though!)

  5. It makes me more happy than I can adequately express that I run a porn site which attracts comments that use the word “callipygous”. 😀 And yes, you are so right!

  6. Thank you Dave! I am very curious to know what the other four in your top five are now…

    Glad to have triggered a happy trip down memory lane 🙂

  7. Hee! Well, I wouldn’t want to be TOO repetitive…. and bubbles don’t last very long under the shower. But thank you, I’m glad this one worked for you!

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