Pandora Blake lays on a bed, dressed in a white satin nightie and looks alluringly into camera

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In this audio story, Pandora Blake is the young and sexy stepmother, ready to punish her rebellious stepson. She’s ready to dish out a hard spanking on the bare, with her hand and perhaps with a range of implements as well. But that isn’t all she has in mind. While she begins by describing good old-fashioned domestic discipline, it becomes clear that her motivations involve pleasure as well as pain – with a side order of erotic humiliation. Addressing herself directly to you, the listener, she draws you in to a tantalising, taboo filthy fantasy.

Protest and complaint won’t help you when you’re in her hands: she has every intention of reddening your bottom cheeks and making you squeal. She’s done it before, and each time she gets bolder. Her approach to spanking is inventive as she describes the different punishments she has in mind. How about making you wear soaked, skin-tight underwear – or massaging you before and after your punishment with baby oil? She moves on to describing, in loving, lascivious detail, the tricks she intends to get up to with a pot of chilli paste, and exactly how that will feel on the tenderest parts you possess…

This is an intense aural fantasy, calculated to make any lover of consensually malevolent headfuckery and hard punishment squirm with delight. More blatantly sexual than some spanking erotica, the story leaves you in no doubt that agony and ecstasy can blend together to bring about mindblowing pleasures.

Narrated by Pandora Blake


9 responses

  1. I like the way her conversation turns effortlessly from the spankings she has given her step son, to the pies she has cooked for him. Cookery and spankings do seem integral to such a domestic setting and I have the feeling this step mother is skilled at both.

  2. When I was 15 ( hope your imaginary boy is older!) there was an older female who preyed on me, somewhat similarly to the female persona you created there. Things did not go nearly so far as you take them in your audio story. I am glad that was so. She was 12 years older than me, and that is one hell of a gap when one is in one’s mid-teens. The woman was an abuser— no doubt about it.
    However, from my present vantage point ( of advanced maturity) I may say that if I go back in fantasy ( as I often do) it would please me to experience what your fantasy boy experiences in the story. ( It has taken me a long time to admit that to myself)
    Some of the words and phrases you use in the story, she used too e.g derrière, good old-fashioned spanking. Also, the hairbrush as an implement—useful at a site other than the head—
    she introduced me to that
    Having thought about it much, recently, my view is that her attraction to me (at that time) was basically a same-sex one— what with my long curls, shapely legs and bottom, I was easily mistaken for a girl back then. She was married, and to a exceptionally tall, he-man type. I can see now that— the times being what they were, back then—once he came into her life, she would have had no real prospect of getting him out of her life again. He was the champion of the school, and she— the prettiest girl—was his prize. So what she wanted in me was a girl to spank, because spanking is a bit like fucking, has a resemblance to it, at least— in its site, and in the division of roles involved. I believed that I sensed all that at the time, though I would not have been able to articulate it. That fact is what made the relationship abusive. If her desire for me was basically a same-sex desire, then my passive position was, from my part, also a same-sex response. If things had gone as far as they do in your story, I might well have decided, at some point later, that I was gay. Now, I think it was a bi-sexual relationship made for two. Back then, things were far less fluid, and it seemed required of me ( by society) that I go one way rather than the other. I was falsely over-masculine for many years afterwards, spanked many a woman’s bottom, yet would shy away from switching. I’m so happy to have got over that.
    What I would have liked, would be to have found my abuser again, working as a Dom perhaps. We could have talked about our past relationship, and act things out, and switch roles, and turn our past into fun.
    So, your story rang me bells. Thanks x

  3. When I was 15 ( hope your imaginary boy is older!) there was an older female who preyed on me, somewhat similarly to the female persona you created there. Things did not go nearly so far as you take them in your audio story. I am glad that was so. She was 12 years older than me, and that is one hell of a gap when one is in one’s mid-teens. The woman was an abuser— no doubt about it.
    However, from my present vantage point ( of advanced maturity) I may say that if I go back in fantasy ( as I often do) it would please me to experience what your fantasy boy experiences in the story. ( It has taken me a long time to admit that to myself)
    Some of the words and phrases you use in the story, she used too e.g derrière, good old-fashioned spanking. Also, the hairbrush as an implement—useful at a site other than the head—
    she introduced me to that
    Having thought about it much, recently, my view is that her attraction to me (at that time) was basically a same-sex one— what with my long curls, shapely legs and bottom, I was easily mistaken for a girl back then. She was married, and to a exceptionally tall, he-man type. I can see now that— the times being what they were, back then—once he came into her life, she would have had no real prospect of getting him out of her life again. He was the champion of the school, and she— the prettiest girl—was his prize. So what she wanted in me was a girl to spank, because spanking is a bit like fucking, has a resemblance to it, at least— in its site, and in the division of roles involved. I believed that I sensed all that at the time, though I would not have been able to articulate it. That fact is what made the relationship abusive. If her desire for me was basically a same-sex desire, then my passive position was, from my part, also a same-sex response. If things had gone as far as they do in your story, I might well have decided, at some point later, that I was gay. Now, I think it was a bi-sexual relationship made for two. Back then, things were far less fluid, and it seemed required of me ( by society) that I go one way rather than the other. I was falsely over-masculine for many years afterwards, spanked many a woman’s bottom, yet would shy away from switching. I’m so happy to have got over that.
    What I would have liked, would be to have found my abuser again, working as a Dom perhaps. We could have talked about our past relationship, and act things out, and switch roles, and turn our past into fun.
    So, your story rang me bells. Thanks x

  4. Wow Jimbo, what a story. Thank you for sharing. It’s awful that you were on the receiving end of this sort of predatory abuse. It’s a hot fantasy to roleplay between adults but harmful and completely unacceptable if it is an adult preying on a minor. No wonder it impacted your relationship with your kink. I’m glad that you seem to have found healing. Your penultimate paragraph blew me away. What courage and generosity of spirit it shows that you would be willing to face your abuser and transform your experience into one that brings you catharsis and enjoyment. I’m in awe!

  5. …and I know that this is probably naughty, but I can’t help mentioning that I’m a writerI. And I produce & record audiobooks & audioplays.

    But enough about me. Let’s focus on you & your craft. ‘Bare That Bottom, Boy!’ – the title & your saying it – caused me to experience some delicious botheration: fluttering, flushing & lip biting – all the good things.

    Thank you. Miss 😉

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